The SU Experience of Ernest Rojo
Activity Name:
Date of Event:
On December 15, 2023, CCS gathered at Silliman Hall to celebrate the Christmas season. I was abruptly assigned to manage attendance and distribute food stubs. Once duties were fulfilled, I joined my circle of friends, indulging in conversation and food. The highlight of the night was the gift exchange, where a spirited and joyous atmosphere enveloped the circle of friends, creating lasting memories.
Participating in the CCS Christmas Party provided an opportunity to actively contribute to the event's organization while enjoying the festive spirit. Managing attendance and distributing food stubs became a meaningful task, setting the stage for a memorable night with friends. The exchange of gifts stood out as a moment of pure joy, characterized by laughter and camaraderie. The day encapsulated the essence of holiday celebrations and the importance of shared moments with friends.
The CCS Christmas Party has left a positive imprint, highlighting the significance of community and shared experiences during festive occasions. The joyous gift exchange serves as a reminder of the importance of fostering connections and creating moments of happiness. Moving forward, I am inspired to actively engage in similar celebrations and contribute to the vibrant spirit of camaraderie within the college community.
Because of the CCS Christmas Party, I am inspired to cherish and actively participate in celebrations that foster community and joy. The gift exchange, filled with laughter and camaraderie, represents the essence of shared experiences during the holiday season. Moving forward, I am committed to contributing to the lively spirit of college events, creating lasting memories with friends and embracing the joy that comes with communal celebrations.
Note: Photos may be blurry or unclear prior to October 9, 2023 due to hardware issues