The SU Experience of Ernest Rojo
Activity Name:
Date of Event:
The Narra Cottage and Azucena Cottage Joint Devotion, hosted inside Narra Cottage, brought together residents for a church event centered on the theme of dedicating time to the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. While not having a significant impact on me as a non-religious person, the event highlighted the positive aspects of togetherness between the two cottages. Beyond the religious focus, the gathering involved activities such as games and conversations, fostering unity within the Silliman University cottage community.
As a non-religious individual, the Joint Devotion may not have resonated with me on a religious level, but the camaraderie and togetherness displayed between Narra Cottage and Azucena Cottage were noteworthy. The event showcased the importance of unity and community building within the cottage setting. Engaging in activities like games and conversations emphasized the significance of shared experiences in fostering connections and creating a sense of belonging.
The Joint Devotion has inspired an appreciation for the broader aspects of unity and community building within the cottage environment. While religious aspects may not align with personal beliefs, the positive interactions and shared experiences among cottage residents have left a positive impact. Moving forward, I am motivated to actively participate in community-building activities that contribute to a sense of togetherness within the Silliman University cottage community.
Because of the Narra Cottage and Azucena Cottage Joint Devotion, I am motivated to actively engage in community-building activities within the cottage environment. The experience has reinforced the importance of unity and shared experiences in fostering connections among residents. Moving forward, I am committed to contributing to the positive atmosphere and togetherness within Narra Cottage and the broader Silliman University cottage community.
Note: Photos may be blurry or unclear prior to October 9, 2023 due to hardware issues